West Rink Advertising
Do you have an amazing business but not enough people know about it?
The MCFSC has available advertising space at Maysa Arena!
The best part? Not only will you be increasing your visibility, you'll also be supporting the health of the youth throughout your community.
You're also getting:
A connection to a popular place in Minot
Tax deduction
Simple and affordable advertising
Great exposure to the Minot community
Space in the only rink with ice year 'round in Minot
The wall boards are 4 feet x 8 feet. The dasher boards are 2.5 feet x 8 feet. The wall board and dasher boards dimensions need to stay consistent as per Maysa Arena policy with certain exceptions (e.g. under scoreboard and certain miscellaneous areas).
Please accept our sincere gratitude for your willingness to keep costs affordable for all MCFSC families.
We look forward to partnering with you!
The MCFSC has advertising rights on the west rink and Minot Hockey Boosters (MHB) has advertising rights on the east/Eck rink. This is in the Charter Agreement when the Maysa Arena was originally built.