Fundraisers  &  Volunteering


The Magic City Figure Skating Club relies on fundraising and volunteers to keep our skaters’ costs reasonable and affordable. As a member of the MCFSC, you are responsible for fulfilling the fundraising requirements listed below. Please note that we reserve the right to revise fundraising requirements in the future. We will always work to keep the responsibilities of our members as low as we can while still supporting our club. We appreciate your support of our skaters and our skating programs!


Members like you keep our program as affordable as possible to all our skaters. 

Thank you!



2024-2025 Season

(MCFSC Advanced Skaters and Free Skate Skaters)


In order for MCFSC to offer services and events to our members, we rely on their participation in providing the necessary volunteer power and funding required for their implementation.


  1. A family having more than one applicable member in the club may fundraise as a family unit, fulfilling the requirements of the highest ranking skater.

  2. A “buy-out” option will available for each fundraising activity, and the required due date for the “buy-out” will be published at the start of each fundraising activity.

  3. Any member who does not participate fully in a mandatory fundraiser will be assessed the total “buy-out” amount for that fundraiser.

  4. Any member who does not fully meet the requirements of a fundraising activity will be considered in arrears and therefore not in good standing, resulting in denial of membership with MCFSC until the “buy-out” payment is paid in full.
    Arrears: Arrears shall be defined as a failure to pay on or before the due date. A member with indebtedness shall not be permitted to vote, hold office, skate in any club-sponsored freestyle session, compete at competitions, or take any U.S. Figure Skating test until such time as the indebtedness is corrected. The Board of Directors may drop a delinquent member from the club roster for indebtedness.

  5. Advanced Skaters are identified as any skater taking advantage of advanced ice time and private lessons. (If the skater is taking private lessons while still enrolled in Learn to Skate classes, they are required to follow the Advanced Skater Fundraising Requirements.)

  6. Free Skate Skaters  are those enrolled in Free Skate 1-6 classes. They are required to follow the Free Skate fundraising requirements.

  7. Mini-Advanced Skaters are those identified as skaters under Basic 5 who are taking Private lessons from a coach.

    PLEASE NOTE: Skaters who advance into Free Skate 1 or enroll into Advanced Ice/Private Lessons after January 1 of the given season will have applicable concession shift requirements prorated by half.



MCFSC Club Fundraisers and Requirements


  • Free Skate Requirement: two (2) four-hour shifts in the season

  • Advanced Requirement: four (4) four-hour shifts in the season

  • Mini-Advanced Requirement: two (2) four-hour shifts in the season

MCFSC benefits from funds raised through MAYSA Concessions. If you are unable to fulfill your designated shift requirements, a $200 buy-out fee will be assessed per unfilled shift. This fee will be assessed at the end of the MAYSA Concessions season.

PLEASE NOTE: The shift requirements listed above are per family. For example, if you have two skaters in your family (one Free Skate and one Advanced), the total requirement for that family is four (4) four-hour shifts during the season.

ALSO: Skaters who advance into Free Skate 1 or enroll into Advanced Ice/Private Lessons after January 1st of the given season will have applicable concession shift requirements prorated by half.



  • Free Skate Requirement: 10 order items sold (Buy-out: $150)

  • Advanced Requirement: 20 order items sold (Buy-out: $275)

  • Mini-Advanced Requirement: 10 order items sold (Buy-out: $150)

PLEASE NOTE: The buy-out fee will be billed as of the closing date listed in the fundraiser information. This requirement is not prorated.



MCFSC hosts a gun raffle each year, with the drawing held during the annual Ice Show. All MCFSC members are welcome to sell tickets to support our club and its activities.


MCFSC Club Volunteer Hour Requirements

 Throughout our season, MCFSC hosts one of the largest figure skating competitions in the state, produces an annual Ice Show, offers test sessions for our Advanced Skaters, and hosts  social events for the club. To continue to be successful in these endeavors, we require volunteer hours from the families of participating skaters.

If your child participates in any of the events listed below, you will be required to fulfill the volunteer requirements for the specific event. The buy-out is $30/shift, and unfulfilled shifts will be billed at the close of the event or season.


Club Test Sessions

Families of participating skaters must:

  • Work a minimum of one (1) shift (running or announcing) during the test session

  • Bring a minimum of one (1) hospitality item for Hospitality Rooms

    *If all requirements are not fulfilled, the buy-out total is $60.

Magic City International Competition

Families of Learn to Skate Competitors must:

  • Work a minimum of three (3) volunteer shifts during the competition

  • Bring a minimum of three (3) hospitality items

    *If all requirements are not fulfilled, the buy-out total is $120.

Families of Advanced Competitors must:

  • Work a minimum of four (4) volunteer shifts during the competition

  • Bring a minimum of four (4) hospitality items

    *If all requirements are not fulfilled, the buy-out total is $180.

Annual MCFSC Ice Show

Families of participating skaters must:

  • Work a minimum of one (1) shift (room parents, spotlights, programs, etc.) during the show or designated practices leading up to the show



Synchro Fundraisers

The following fundraisers are only for families a part of the synchronized skating team. 


When: Thanksgiving morning

All synchro families are required to participate in this event.

Contact Erin Holt for more information.



When: TBA

All synchro families are required to participate in this event.

Contact Chelsea Kirkhammer for more information.